when i came across be still it was basically love at first sight. this may partially have to do with the fact that i have a serious soft spot for ikat fabrics.. especially when in pillow form.
be still is based out of bangkok - that's where all these beautiful fabrics come from.
okay i think this time i'll keep the words to a minimum and just let the photos speak for themselves.
mercredi 31 juillet 2013
be still. .
mel stringer's etsy store girlie pains..
i really dig mel stringer's illustrations. her odd colored girls w/ funny noses in awkward poses make me feel very comforted in a weird way. her drawings are strange and soothing all at the same time. always a favorite combination of mine. not only do i love that mel's shop's name is girlie pains but what i really love is that mel has on offer original paintings on buttons. i wish i wasn't so broke, i'd buy all 3. yes, folks i'm that broke. but don't let my sob story stop you...you, you should jump at this offer. don't you want to wear a hand painted, rad little pin that says 'you are cute'? what a wonderful way to make the world such a nicer place to live in. don't forget to check out mel's prints, original drawings and her other stuffed brooches (which are just the best by the by.).
mardi 30 juillet 2013
Father of Intel 486, Pentium Pro and Net Neutrality Joins VMWare as the New CEO
We just received information that Patrick P. Gelsinger, an industry veteran credited with dozens of information is one step ahead of reaching his goal of becoming a CEO of a technology company.
This chip engineer joined Intel in 1979 and quickly progressed to the role of Director and later become the first CTO (Chief Technology Officer) of Intel. Pat Gelsinger is considered as the key contributor in development of the i286 (16-bit) and i386 (32-bit) microprocessor architectures. He was group leader on developing the Pentium Pro and a person which brought Internet and Wireless-related technologies into Intels product stack. The development of Pentium Pro, as well as Intels pushed focus on Internet technologies represents the founding stone of VMware, a company which Pat will start leading following the official announcement.
Like him or not, he was pushing the technologies inside Intel which would often maddened the competitors, who had no other choice but to follow. However, Pats coming of age inside Intel, and being groomed to become a CEO took a dent downwards with the damaging contract Intel signed with Rambus on bringing RDRAM to market. Mr. Gelsinger pushed RDRAM to Pentium III and upcoming Pentium 4 platform, leading to so-called Caminogate, product recall and a loss of billion dollars. The fall of Intels stock in 2000 is something we believe it should be taught in schools, when a company valued almost half a trillion dollars (peak was $436.69 Billion) tumbled down by $174.88 billion in just two days. To this date, Intels market cap did not pass the value the company lost in just those two days in August and October.
Still, even with the Rambus story not developing in is groups favor, the star darkened when AMDs K7 architecture flat out leveled Pentium III and subsequently less-efficient Pentium 4 "NetBurst" architectures. Pat had a good chance of becoming the CEO of Intel with the success of wireless push and the wireless radio strategy, but insistence of Big Iron Pentium 4, cancellation of Tejas and the rise of Israeli-developed Core (Yonah, Conroe) architecture sent Mr. Gelsinger to push for development of Intels first Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), codenamed Larrabee. Mr. Gelsinger then begun a war against NVIDIA at the time when Larrabee extensively used NVIDIA and AMD intellectual property. With the bill reaching billions of dollars (our sources estimate that including the settlement with NVIDIA, but excluding settlement with AMD, Intel lost around 4-4.5 billion dollars on Larrabee, i.e. LRB). That was also coup de grace for Pat, who was pushed out from Intel and ended up being the Chief Operating Officer e.g. COO at EMC, a company located on the same street as Intel in Santa Clara, California (Intel is 2200 Mission Blvd, EMC is headquartered at 2831 Mission Blvd, just below the college campus).
However, he is credited with the development of a framework with the FCC which later became "Net Neutrality".
With Pat being the CEO of VMware, the company is gaining a person not afraid to take a bet on technology and insists on developing that technology until it wins the market. Will it be enough to take VMware from 11,200 employees and $3.77 Billion going into the future… well see.
dimanche 28 juillet 2013
a family that hikes together
vendredi 26 juillet 2013
you capture food
busy baby in a bookstore
mardi 23 juillet 2013
It's Nice That Zine If Drawings Were Photographs..
Well, it had to happen. And THANK GOD it has. It's Nice That has finally released their very first zine, If Drawings Were Photographs. And judging by what I have seen it couldn't be any better as their first kick off. Billed simply as - "Tom gave drawings to Rob and Rob tried to make them into photographs." Brilliant. I laughed out loud after reading that. How fun. Purchase the brand new baby here.
mardi 9 juillet 2013
Orange et Sosh ouvrent les précommandes pour le Samsung Galaxy S4
Après SFR, c’est au tour de Sosh et Orange de dévoiler les forfaits et tarifs autour du Galaxy S4 de Samsung. Comptez 79 euros pour un Galaxy S4 et un Origami Jet et 669 euros avec Sosh…
Orange et sa branche en ligne et sans engagement Sosh ont lancé les précommandes pour le rouleau compresseur Galaxy S4.
L’occasion pour le potentiel client de comparer la grille tarifaire du premier opérateur hexagonal avec SFR qui a dévoilé ses offres la semaine dernière.
Orange et Sosh expédieront le Galaxy S4 à partir du 26 avril.
80 euros avec un Origami Jet à 80 euros/mois
Avec un Origami Jet International (79.90 euros/mois) et un engagement sur 24 mois, le ticket d’entrée est fixé à 79 euros (249 euros moins 170 euros d’offre de remboursement valable jusqu’au 12/06 ).
Sur deux ans d’engagement, le Galaxy S4 et cet Origami Jet vous reviendront à 1997.5 euros.
Avec un Origami Play 4 Go 4G ( 60.9 euros/mois ) et un engagement sur 24 mois, le Galaxy S4 passe à 179.90 euros ( 249.90 moins 70 euros d’ODR ).
Sur deux ans avec cette formule, compter 1641.5 euros.
Avec un Play 2 Go 4G (40.90 euros/mois ) et un engagement sur 24 mois, le Galaxy S4 est proposé 299.90 euros ( 369.90 moins 70 euros d’ODR ).
Sur deux ans, l’ensemble vous coutera 1281.5 euros.
Le smartphone est également proposé nu chez l’opérateur à 689.90 euros.
669 euros chez Sosh
Le fleuron de Samsung sera disponible chez Sosh contre 669 euros avec la possibilité de profiter d’un paiement étalé en 4 fois sans frais.
Si l’offre est sans engagement, à titre d’indication sur 2 ans d’abonnement, compter 1266.6 euros pour le S4 adossé au forfait Sosh 3Go H+ ( 24.90 euros /mois ).
dimanche 7 juillet 2013
Teenagers in Love New Look Book..
Friends Teenagers In Love sure had a swell time with their latest look book. For those of you outside of San Francisco, we're just starting to enjoy our Summer here and TIL's tanks couldn't be a better way to kick it off. For the rest of you, sweatshirts are also available and the tanks are great layering pieces. ;) The look book was shot by Travis Deuel.
mercredi 3 juillet 2013
OBabys first vlog (O, and a giveaway)
mardi 2 juillet 2013
Exquisite Book Signing Drawing Event..
Tonight I'll be heading over to Rare Device for their Exquisite Book Signing and Live Drawing event. Co-author Julia Rothman, and local participating artists will be there: including Caitlin Keegan, Lisa Congdon, Eunice Moyle, Tom Neely, Kelly Lynn Jones, Susie Ghahremani and Lorena Sim.
I am really excited to say hello to everyone. The book is such a wild and awesome concept (the practice of the exquisite corpse game is taken and put into book form through the drawings of 100 artists). I have poured over it a number of times since I received my copy last week. I'll post pics of the event and more extensive images of the book next week during the book's 'blog tour'!
lundi 1 juillet 2013
Sneak Peek Devastate Your Real Estate..
I've gathered a few sneak peek pics (thanks to Josh Falk) and a shaky video of the install this week (Thanks to Oliver Mak who skated through the gallery taking it!) to share with you. From the looks of what's on display here it's going to be a sick display of East Coast graf/street artists, most definitely not to be missed.