vendredi 23 août 2013
O My CBC Week faith, blogging, and you
Alex Kopps..
mercredi 21 août 2013
Reader LOVE David Gomez..
can't ever get enough of matthew feyld..
this is a tad bit on the early side...but i can't stand it. it's important that you see these now as matthew's pieces best start savin' those pennies and gettin' a place inline now. matthew feyld's work is always so colorful, whimsical and oddly great, these new pieces are no exception. he's truly one of my favorite painters. matthew's got a show coming up at cinder's gallery in brooklyn on february 22nd w/ a few other folks. matthew is always updating his blog and flickr account w/ new work, be sure to stay tuned to those channels, as i'm sure there is more awesomeness coming our way.
mardi 20 août 2013
Video This is Not a Place..
I got pretty mesmerized watching Isaac Gale & David Jensen's film This is Not a Place. Made on location at Justin Vernon of Bon Iver's Wisconsin studio. I keep replaying it over and over. A little bit about the film (that originally accompanied a show at XYandZ Gallery, in Minneapolis, MN):
Compiled over the past year, the duo's film work traverses the wilds of April Base, the Wisconsin studio of Bon Iver's Justin Vernon. Trundling through rich forest landscapes and ephemeral, sculptural environments, the films’ pure visual moments mesh with graceful digital effects, creating entangled shrines and smoke-filled twilights. At its root, the work deals with themes of space--both external and psychological.
dimanche 18 août 2013
$5 highlights
vendredi 16 août 2013
i need to make a confession; my life has become netflix'd episodes of past seasons of project runway and celebrity gossip blogs. i know, i know. it's disgusting. i don't know what the eff happened. winter started a few months ago, it all got blurry, time passed and here i am. how i got here, i don't know. but i feel like i am waking up from a long, dark slumber and thank the good lord harry i woke up to agov's colorful paintings on flickr. agov is an artist from the ukraine. and yes, that's pretty much all i've got for you. oh, and i really like his work. if you need to know more, add agov as a friend on myspace and create some false intimacy w/ comments, msgs and who knows perhaps adding him as your #1 just to shake things up a bit? see more of agov's colorful work here.
jeudi 15 août 2013
in time for not my child! monday
mardi 13 août 2013
help wanted
lundi 12 août 2013
a very ruffled giveaway!
babies my anti-drug
vendredi 9 août 2013
Pitcherzzz Week Ending 10.15.10..
The pics are a little sparse this week thanks to the ongoing plague I have had for god knows how long. ;) There is a ton planned for this weekend, so I am sure the post will be pretty heavy next week. Have a great weekend you GUISE! <3
jeudi 8 août 2013
Not fit to raise a child
We went out paddling on Saturday with the nieces and nephew. I was so excited to go because I haven’t been in quite awhile. But I always forget how crappy I am at it.. and how scared I am that the boat is going to tip over.. but I always have fun!
I guess I also forget how much work it is.. but work is good for me! Right???
It was also a little more difficult because I’m currently on “light duty” (I’ll explain more about that later.) Aaron wouldn’t let me help carry the 40 lbs kayak.. or blow up the inflatable canoe.. or let me paddle too much. Which was probably a good thing, because more than likely I would have over done it. I’m very thankful that he pays attention to those things and always keeps *us* safe!….. However.. it didn’t really cross his mind that we would be out on the lake for 4 hours without sunblock!! Okay.. I take that back.. it did cross our minds.. we just didn’t really care at the time..
Guess What???
Check this out.. (I would also like to thank Emily for pointing out that I have a mole the shape of a heart!! It’s so cute! on the bottom left by the edge of the burn…)
This is just the back.. the front is a little less burnt than this.. but my arms are just as burnt..
And I feel like an IDIOT!! Who on earth is going to let people who get this burnt raise children? I’m pretty sure DCFS will be at more door shortly to deem us “unfit”
Really though.. I feel so stupid. Grown adults should be smarter. Every look of pity just makes me cringe. I hate it.
And the STUPID questions.. when will they stop?? I’m really going to wear a sign tomorrow that just says.. “Don’t Ask!”
Do you have any idea how many remedies there are in the world? Because.. when you’re sunburned.. its an open invitation for advise..
vinegar. I was very skeptical about this one. But my mother in law confirmed itburn cream. makes senseice cream. Aaron thinks this is a giant waste of perfectly good ice creamegg whites. my arms and back are so HOT right now we could have scrambled eggs for breakfastshaving cream. interesting.. but still not trying itwrapping in a cold wet sheet. I’m already FREEZINGbathing in various concoctions.. number 1) I have way to many issues with my insides right now to even think about getting those sorts of things in there. 2) its my upper neck, and upper arms mostly. And those are two very hard parts to get submerged.So I’ll stick with my Aloe with Lidocaine. Which I sure hope isn’t going to make the baby cross eyed or anything. I googled to make sure Aloe was safe, and all it said was you shouldn’t ingest it while pregnant. So as long as I resit the urge to swallow it.. We should be okay.. But fyi.. If you do ingest aloe.. it turns your pee pink! i guess Aloe is a acne treatment when taken orally.. but I’m sure its in a pill form or something.. and I’m officially rambling now..
Anyway.. I leave you with some pictures of .. umm.. i have no idea when this was. But its the only pictures of us paddling that I have.. But they were at least a year ago, I think two…
(Thanks babe for filing the pictures so neatly..) This is from our camping trip in 2006. Silver Lake up by Brighton
Thanks for at least gasping a little when you saw my burn.. it does make me feel a little better that you care.. But it doesn’t make it hurt any less.. and doesn’t make me sleep any better.
Aaron has been taking NyQuil to help him sleep… but not me and baby.. we just toss and turn and pee all night.. because there is no way to avoid laying on some part of burned flesh..
Poor baby is probably so sick of my gasping and flinching every time I move. It’s probably kicking me in a bladder every time I annoy it.. which makes me have to pee more..
I’m pretty sure it’s already in control.. Welcome to the next 60 or so years of my life…
mercredi 7 août 2013
Neon Sculpture Meryl Pataky at Gallery Hijinks..
How we perceive ourselves and the world around us is described by the adjectives we use. Whether something is beautiful, ugly, yellow, green, small or tall, we use these words to create meaning in our lives. Meryl Pataky, an artist who works with mostly metals, dear hide and neon lighting, has translated this very philosophy of using words as an expression of her artistic nature. Her work combines certain resources and visual languages that might not often be seen together in a traditional setting.
"My work relies heavily on personal narrative. I tend to base my work on the experiences in my life that shape me into who I am. These experiences are what I relate to most intimately and, in turn, allow me to confidently make the appropriate decisions about my work, its concepts and materials. We are all molds that are filled with different substances. These are a delicate blend of our paths, experiences, beliefs and interactions that form our being. As a result, we are all different casts – we are all made of different material." - Meryl Pataky
mardi 6 août 2013
Lindsey Carr New Work..
Lindsey Carr shares a bunch of new work that she has been working on for her upcoming show on the 27th of February at Imagine Gallery, Suffolk, UK. Aren't they gorgeous? Of course, I am always excited to share new work from all of the artists featured on the blog...and Lindsey is no exception. The amount of detail and depth in her paintings continues to blow my mind. Like the monkeys? AMAZING.