dimanche 28 juillet 2013

a family that hikes together

Look at this, isn’t it beautiful?I figured out where DanO gets the energy to do everything that he does. The entire O family likes to do stuff. We hardly ever sit still. Well, unless we’re sitting still to eat, but even then our mouths are still moving, catching up with loved ones about the year they just spent in Africa as missionaries/the wedding colors they have picked out/ their new baby. We’re a busy troop.Check out the family vacation schedule, day one:An octopus has three hearts, by the by. I think I won a piece of chocolate, but does it really count if I texted someone with internet access and asked them to look it up?I’ll let you be the judge.The first morning of vacation, nearly the entire troop hiked a trail to a water fall. Well, we never actually saw the waterfall. Somehow in a group of 23 hikers (two not pictured) we all sort of missed the stairs down from this platform to see what we actually hiked in to see.“Well, this is a pretty sweet deck.” We thought, and then turned around to head back.To be fair, three of the hikers were under three years old and cannot be held accountable for our lack of observation.But these three hikers, the ones that keep us young, they should have noticed.Hello, little balls of energy!What with their being so gosh durn full of excitement about life and everything, you’d think they would have noticed the stairs. At one point after realizing we took a wrong turn (O, good morning campers! Hope all 23 of us marching past your quiet camp site talking loudly about years abroad, babies and weddings didn’t wake you.) we about-faced and headed back, and not a moment later, these three little O’s were jogging past us all on the left so they could regain the lead.What, you didn’t think they would stay in the back of the pack, did you?Neither did I.Meanwhile, DanO was too distracted by his fashion statement to notice the stairs. Check out my baby daddy, sporting the Moby Wrap for the very first time.This is his “I’m glad my wife didn’t get one with flowers on it” face. Chocolate brown: so unisex, but so hot and sweaty on sunny days. You can’t win them all.O, what’s that in the group picture that I see? Is that another Moby Wrap?!Why yes, yes it is. It’s a Moby Wrap on which I earned no commission (as I’ve said before, if someone wants to pay me after the fact, I’d be down with that) but one that could be said to be purchased because of me. That’s right, folks, I made a fist Moby convert.That’s Cousin A in the Original Moby Wrap in sage. She’s the proud mama of two of the three hikersunderthree, little ‘dub-ya’ is the one in the pouch. He’s got two and a half weeks of life outside the womb on OBaby, and I wish you could see his eyelashes in this picture. They are absolutely beautiful.Just like O My Family when they get together. Absolutely beautiful.

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