vendredi 27 septembre 2013

Pay Your TransCab Taxi Fares With ez-link

TransCab Taxi Goes EZ with New All-in-One Payment TerminalBy EZ-Link

TransCab taxis readied to handle cashless payment with the first EZ-Link terminal that accepts up to 9 payment methods

SINGAPORE – Customers of TransCab taxis will now be spoilt for choicewhen it comes to cashless payment of their fares, with the launch of the new EZ-Link terminalthat offers the most variety of e-payment options for customers to choose from, within a singleterminal. More than 90% of TransCab taxis have each been equipped with the new terminal thataccepts the ez-link card and 8 other payment modes.

The payment methods include the ez-link card, MasterCard, MasterCard PayPass, VISA, VISApayWave, China Union Payment, JCB and American Express and DBS/POSB card. Through thisterminal, EZ-Link makes the paying process easier for passengers of TransCab taxis.

Passengers can enjoy the ease of payment at a small administrative fee for every transactionmade. The fee structure is 30 cents for payments made by an ez-link card and DBS/POSB card,and 10% of the total fare for payments made by all credit and debit cards.

As an introduction to this service, EZ-Link and TransCab will waive the 30 cent surcharge on allez-link card payments made on-board TransCab taxis from 1 October 2010 to 2 January 2011.This simply means that passengers will not be required to pay any additional surcharges whenthey choose to go cashless and pay with their ez-link cards during this period.

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